A Supper Club of four couples who get together once a month for a collaborative dinner.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jan and Ron, thank you for a wonderful evening...it felt like a true celebration of spring. I loved the jambalaya. It was fresh and all the flavors melded beautifully. I'm sure the leftovers will be tasty, if there were any, that is (?). Barb's salad was over the top; a visual feast as well as a gustatory one. And the dancing! Loved it. Especially Ian's interpretive ode to spring (or was that a more bacchanalian jig?) Fred and I have been watching the videos of the dancing and Wow! We were celebratin'. He's getting ready to post them so you can revisit the party too. Rachel's presence was a real treat and I hope we see more of her. She is a lovely young woman and so tolerant! All in all, it was a great evening with marvelous friends.

So, the menu;

Steamed artichokes with tarragon vinaigrette
Roquefort shortbreads

Jambalaya a la Emeril
Garden salad
Steamed asparagus with (?) topping

Pecan pie with new maple syrup-sweetened whipped cream

If I have forgotten an item please fill in the omission and feel free to amend my descriptions.

I checked the calendar and it looks like April 24th is our best time for the next dinner. If that isn't a good time for everyone, we also have April 10th open. The main dish is still a mystery but I'll let you all know as soon as I figure it out. And I guess I didn't leave with everything...the pint jar is mine.

Jan, I've been mulling over your suggestion for an adventure beyond the confines of the county. I like the idea! I'll think about some possibilities.

Thank you all again. It was Cosmic!


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